concept of non-injury to life , enjoyed by the Buddha in the Mahayana sutras, in particular the Lankavatara. Emperor ashoka, a devout Buddhist , emphasized ahimsa in his edicts and mahatma Gandhi adopted it in modern times as a means of passive, non-violent political protest.



Sanskrit term meaning food and nourishment. the phalahar would signify the use of only edible fruits and vegetables, which is one variety of fasting in the science of dietetics, itself called aharatattva. under aharayogi , the food permitted to ascetics, charaka lists the oils of sesame, mustard and the like.



hindi for green ginger from the Sanskrit adraka, which in the atharvaveda  is adara. dried ginger has its own Sanskrit name , srngavera or injivera, of tamil origin : ver is root and inji is a word still used in south India.  the hindi word is sunthi. though the ginger is almost certainly native to south-east asia, long cultivation has obscured the sites of original domestication. Several spiecies are grown in Malaysia and wild forms are still found in India.



shallow – fried circlet of tamil country. The thick ground batter consists of almost equal parts of rice and as many as four pulses. It is described in the tamil sangam literature between the third and sixth centuries AD as a snack served by vendors on the seahore.

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Tomatoes                           800gm

Ginger-garlic                     50gm

Garlic                                 70gm

Fresh Coriander                100gm

Cumin seeds                     10gm

Oil                                        01tbs

Green chilies                      03 no

Salt                                   to taste



Wash and cut the tomatoes into quarters. Cook tomatoes with ginger, garlic, green chilies and fresh green coriander and let be simmer until tomatoes are mashed completely.

Strain the mixture with a soup strainer.

Heat oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds, let them crackle. Add strained tomato liquid and season with salt.

Bring it to a boil and check the seasoning and Serve it hot, garnished with chopped green coriander leaves.






Chicken leg cubes                           400gm

Brown onions                                     120gm

Sunflower seeds                                 60gm

Coconut-dry                                       50gm

Salt                                                      to taste

Yellow chili pw                                   6gm

Curd                                                     200gm

Ginger-garlic paste                             80gm

Saffron                                                  0.1 gm

Pure ghee                                             300gm

Nutmeg                                                 6gm

Green cardamom pw                       7gm



In kadhai fry the chicken and keep aside. Prepare brown onions paste, sunflower seeds and coconut paste and keep aside.

Take a handi add pure ghee,garam masal whole, ginger-garlic paste and beaten curd and cook on slow fire until it leaves the oil then add the fried chicken and mixture paste and cook it and check the consistency and finish it with saffron .




Quantity Ingredient

1 c Bisquick*

2 c Carnation powder

2 c Water

1/2 c  sugar

4 pods Cardamom

few drops Rose water

1/2 stick Butter (4 T)

1/8 c Yogurt


Oil for frying


1. Heat butter and pour in a bowl.

2. Add Bisquick, carnation powder and yogurt and blend together.

3. Knead well adding milk if necessary.

4. Make a smooth ball, cover and let rest IT FOR 30 MIN.

5. Make 12-14 small balls.

6. Heat the water, add sugar, bring to boil, add cardamom seeds and


7. Boil, then simmer to reduce the water by half.

8. Heat the oil until hot and fry the balls to a golden brown or until they

are dark brown|almost black.

9. Soak in sugar syrup until they double in size (1 hour or overnight)

10. serve hot or cold.
Note:(bisquick is available in any store.)







Black whole urad dal      70 gm

White Butter                     75 gm

Ginger-Garlic Paste       60 gm

Red-Chilly                         80 gm

Tomato-Puree                     80 gm

Salt                                      to taste

Cream                               40 gm

Kasuri Methi                       10gm

Cardamom pw                 5 gm




Wash and boil the black urad dal over night on tandoor or if you are preparing at home soak urad dal for 2 hours and cook it in a pressure cooker. Make sure it does not get mash. 

Next day add all the ingredients in the dal and again cook for an hour till it gives out a creamy texture check the seasoning and finish it with the cream.





Patrani Macchi


  • 5 Nos Pomfret darne (or any fish)
  • 3 Nos Banana Leaves
  • 3 tablespoon Sugarcane vinegar
  • 2 Tablespoon Vegetable oil


Chutney stuffing

  • 2 bunch Corriander leaves
  • ½ bunch Mint leaves
  • 6-8 Nos green chillies
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 5 -6 pods of garlic
  • 1tablespoon cumin seeds
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons sugarcane vinegar
  • ½ teaspoon sugar




  • Make a paste of the chutney stuffing ingredients and check the seasoning (don’t add too much water)and place the fish in the chutney marinate for a few hours
  • Cut the banana leaves according to the size of the fish so as to completely wrap the fish
  • Place these leaves on a hot plate so that they become soft and can be easily handled
  • Now place the fish on the banana leaf along with some extra chutney so as to keep the fish moist. And wrap the fish tightly so that the flavours and chutney don’t escape.
  • Place the fish on trays and sprinkle some vegetable oil and Sugarcane vinegar and cook the fish in a steamer until the fish is cooked properly